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 Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine

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4 posters
Lusitanian Lynx
Lusitanian Lynx

Number of posts : 149
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Registration date : 2008-01-18

Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine Empty
PostSubject: Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine   Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine EmptyFri 5 Jun - 13:36

Taken from "Diahableries Webzine" :

1. Drakkar Productions is a black metal oriented label since 1994. Why did you choose this orientation ? Do you think there is not enough black metal labels in France as Osmose Productions for example or do you think they don't work effikaciously enough ? How are you situated with regard to them and what do you offer different ?

I started Drakkar Productions to support the French Black Metal underground, coz at that period of time no one in France really offered support to the french Black Metal scene. Osmose Productions is a very good label in my opinion but they are more commercial than us. We have a different vision of how the Black Metal should be. Today I think there's too much unprofessional labels who release any kind of band. Adipocere is now oriented to the support of French fake Black Metal, any untalented French band is signed there.

2. Do you feel more representative of the "true" underground than other labels and what does it means for you really ? What do you think about new underground black metal labels as Battleskr (Fra), Agonia (Pol) or Sacral (Fra) which work into the underground ?

I have no really an hostile attitude towards the small labels who are doing a good job, the one you evoke here are serious, I don't consider Sacral as a Black Metal label. Nowadays Black Metal has be humanized by peoples like them who think Black Metal is just a kind of music. Black Metal for us is more than a simple style of music.

3. Drakkar bekame more and more important and is going to open an official officie in south america. The office will be led by your long time allies from Evil Horde Records. Most of the Drakkar releases will be out there on special licence. Does that mean that it bekome more and more difficult and expensive to release and promote stuffs in France ? Kould you tell me more about this special licence ?

That's correct, the same will happen in north America with our allies of the Moribund cult records who already put out two of our releases in north America. We have some difficulties to be accepted in France, it can be by the press or by the big distributors. We have a "bad" reputation and we don't try to arrange the things coz we don't want to suck cocks to have our releases promoted in the jewish Christian press like Merdallian life lovers. Moribund and EHR will works as indenpendant official Drakkar offices, in fact they will also press cds themselves, the same as the one we are pressing for Europe, but they will care more about the promotion of our releases there. We must admit that it is difficult to promote very well our releases in America, so they will do that better than us, and they will also manage tours for bands. So, it can be only a good thing to work with them.

4. You signed great bands as Watain, Mutiilation, and also Celestia. Your next releases are Unpure (Swe), Decayed (Por), Animus Herilis (Fra) and Vermeth (Fra). Kould you present each of them and why did you choose to have a deal with them ?

It will be really too long to talk about all these bands. I must correct you with Celestia, that band is not on Drakkar Productions at all. Well, also I don't like to make free publicity, peoples have to make the effort to discover our bands and they will realize how far our releases are different from the shitty label like Season of mist.

5. The last Drakkar fest took place in Bladel in Holland with Grand Belial's Key, Celestia, Unpure, Watain, Corpus Christii and many more. It was limited to 300 persons. Are you satisfied with the organization, people and the bands who came to the gig ? Will you repeat it somewhere else and soon ?

I am not satisfied by the organization of that festival, the peoples who worked there were totally uncompetent. Fuck them !! Fuck The Pazzop in Bladel, never in the future one of our artist will play there. We will certainly repeat again the experience of our tradition hated festival. More blood has to be spreaded !!!

6. What kind of bands do you listen often or just for pleasure ? What kind of musik different to black metal has an interest for you ?

Actually playing here : Music of the Luftwaffe. Metal I listen actually : Arghoslent, Infantry, Primigenium, Animus Herilis EP, Sathanas, Warloghe, Altar of Perversion, Grand Belial's Key, Unpure…Non Metal : Ataraxia, Camerate Midiolenese, Amaka Hahina, Chants of Maldoror, Die Form, In the Nursery, Sopor Aeternus. I listen also a lot of military music from the third german reich.

7. Do you manage to work for Drakkar without needing to work somewhere else to get money for your activities into the underground ?

I don't think that I will be able to work like an human larva in our corrupted society, fuck, Drakkar is my only job now and I am pround of that.

8. What could you teach or tell us for people who want to start into the underground ? What do they have to do ?

I don't encourage peoples to start with that uninteresting underground scene today, we have enough parasites like that.

9. Last words to add ?

Sieg Heil Satan ! Fuck the French scene !

Last edited by Lusitanian Lynx on Fri 13 Mar - 2:15; edited 1 time in total
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Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine   Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine EmptyFri 5 Jun - 16:56

old one. Cannot even remember that I've answered this.
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Lusitanian Lynx
Lusitanian Lynx

Number of posts : 149
Age : 38
Localisation : England
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Registration date : 2008-01-18

Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine   Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine EmptyFri 5 Jun - 16:59

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Number of posts : 2
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Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine   Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine EmptyWed 7 Oct - 3:20

what happend exactly to Sacral?
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Number of posts : 640
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Registration date : 2005-04-27

Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine   Drakkar Productions Interview - Diahableries Zine EmptyThu 8 Oct - 19:31

he has found jesus
as you know, jesus saves...from metal
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