Mantak is pure yellow brvtal metalshit.
About the new tracks:
Feu Grégeois - pretty original death metal, sounding like old Godkiller, but not my style
Svartfell - excellent raw old school black metal, already done and redone but still working (where is the bass?)
Mefitic - excellent blackened death metal the way I like, but why are they labelled black metal?
Viha - shabby and useless raw BM, uninteresting
Emit - boring ambiant, copy of the Black Legions
Mantniak - see above
Celestia - mid-tempo impersonal track, a bit disappointing
Cendres - dark and oppressing
Scorn - too much heavy metal influenced
Vrolok - Black Sacrificial Fear - heady melody, a good track
That's all folks.