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 FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape

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Mr Nuke
7 posters

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptyThu 4 Oct - 17:44

I would like to thank Noktu and Drakkar Productions for releasing this excellent demo tape. This French band is very promising and talented. They play a mix of black and technical death metal with a great medieval atmosphere. "Guerres Franques" is a concept demo which deals with the Crusade times. The keyboards are also very epic and majestic with lyrics written in French.
The band will release his second demo in a few months.
Total support !
Highly recommended !
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Number of posts : 721
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Registration date : 2007-01-22

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptyFri 5 Oct - 0:17

The concept is similar to Cruce Signati. I and Blacksstorm should have copyrighted it.
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Number of posts : 721
Points : 6451
Registration date : 2007-01-22

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptySun 7 Oct - 0:20

Quote :
The newest registered user is Ordan

Their guitarist/singer is coming to thank me for inspiration. That's cute.
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Mr Nuke
Rang: Administrateur
Mr Nuke

Number of posts : 797
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Registration date : 2005-04-27

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptySun 6 Jan - 0:04

A great demo indeed. The only minor point being the synths that sound too "synthetic".

Give this band real acoustic instruments played by professionals instead of synths and something great will come !
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Drakkar Gestapo

Number of posts : 472
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Registration date : 2005-09-05

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptySun 6 Jan - 12:43

Interesting.... have to listen to this band!!!
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Number of posts : 640
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Registration date : 2005-04-27

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptySun 6 Jan - 19:14

i don't like the fantasy ambiance - as said before it would be much better with real instruments
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FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptyFri 11 Jan - 10:52

Their second demo "Francorum Regnum Hierosolymorum" is available now.
This demo is excellent and is quite different from the first one but I think that Drakkar will not release it.
If you are interested in ordering it :
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Drakkar Gestapo

Number of posts : 472
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Registration date : 2005-09-05

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptyFri 11 Jan - 11:57

Any website for the label "Heaume Production"?
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Number of posts : 18
Localisation : Finland
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Registration date : 2005-09-03

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptySat 26 Jan - 16:27

This kind of stuff (lots of synths etc.) isn't normally my cup of tea but both demos are very good stuff. I like the "Guerres Franques" demo a bit more mostly because I think it has darker atmosphere.
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Lusitanian Lynx
Lusitanian Lynx

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FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptyWed 6 Feb - 15:41

Feu Gregeois Reviews :
- First demo : http://www.imm3moria.org/v4/index.php?option=com_simple_review&review=458&Itemid=28

- Second demo : http://www.imm3moria.org/v4/index.php?option=com_simple_review&review=554-FEU%20GREGEOIS-Francorum%20Regnum%20Hierosolymorum&Itemid=28

Quote :
I like the "Guerres Franques" demo a bit more mostly because I think it has darker atmosphere.

Yes, indeed. The second demo has a kind of happy atmosphere and is more epic and melodic. The Bal-Sagoth influences are more strong in the second demo.
Heaume Productions has not a website yet.
You will find easily lots of reviews in the net in French zines and even German zines !
Ordan (their leader) has made a great work of promotion on his own.

Noktu, what's your opinion about their second demo ? Are you going to release it ?
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Rang: Administrateur

Number of posts : 715
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Registration date : 2005-04-25

FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape EmptyThu 7 Feb - 22:50

Second demo is great too. But too much releases planned on Drakkar, we cannot afford to release it, at least for now.
Anyway, this band have all our support.
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FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty
PostSubject: Re: FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape   FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape Empty

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FEU GREGEOIS "Guerres Franques" Demo Tape
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