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 DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo

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4 posters
Lusitanian Lynx
Lusitanian Lynx

Number of posts : 149
Age : 38
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Registration date : 2008-01-18

DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo Empty
PostSubject: DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo   DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo EmptyThu 7 Feb - 13:55

I would like to thank Noktu and Drakkar Productions for releasing this excellent demo !
Review :

In my opinion, this demo deserved to be released in CD format instead of Tape format.
Anyway, I recommend everybody to purchase it. It is still available at Drakkar.
Dyster plays Depressive black metal of high quality.
Total support !
What do you think of this demo ?
Don't hesitate to give your opinions.
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Rang: Administrateur

Number of posts : 715
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Registration date : 2005-04-25

DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo Empty
PostSubject: Re: DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo   DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo EmptyThu 7 Feb - 22:48

You'll be happy to hear we've just released this demo on CD format.
Available for 7.00€ on the drakkar webshop.
The layout has been reworked and looks much better now.

Dyster third effort will be released by Drakkar at the end of February.
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Lusitanian Lynx
Lusitanian Lynx

Number of posts : 149
Age : 38
Localisation : England
Points : 6277
Registration date : 2008-01-18

DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo Empty
PostSubject: Re: DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo   DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo EmptyFri 8 Feb - 11:13

Great !
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Mr Nuke
Rang: Administrateur
Mr Nuke

Number of posts : 797
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DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo Empty
PostSubject: Re: DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo   DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo EmptySat 23 Feb - 21:10

The third demo is a well-done one. Even if they've listened too much to 95-era MÜTIILATION !

At least this band plays better than Meynac'h does, eh eh !
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Number of posts : 640
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Registration date : 2005-04-27

DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo Empty
PostSubject: Re: DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo   DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo EmptySat 23 Feb - 23:02

last demo was good but too awkward
done in haste but with really great riffs
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DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo Empty
PostSubject: Re: DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo   DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo Empty

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DYSTER "Fallen, Suicided And Forgotten" Demo
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