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 Old BM bands from France

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Mr Nuke
Haunting Chant
Ordre et Maïs
10 posters

Number of posts : 7
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Registration date : 2009-02-19

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptyThu 19 Feb - 12:11


My name is Ognjen, I am from Serbia. I recently dug out my old demo tapes and found those of FUNEBRES NUPTIAE and MALDOROR, two bands from south east of France, where Drakkar is also.

I exchanged mail with Daniel who was member of these two projects around 1993/1994. I was wondering if he is still around playing some BM stuff. I also remember OSCULUM INFAME and MALEFICUM ORGIA and NEKROMANTIK, great bands from France !
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Number of posts : 7
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Registration date : 2009-02-19

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptyFri 20 Feb - 23:00

Also MACHIAVEL I found. Never heard ov them ?

Pozdrav iz Srbije
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Number of posts : 640
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Registration date : 2005-04-27

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptyFri 20 Feb - 23:39

machiavel was a very promising band IMO - i think it's the band of the guy behind aura mystrique
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Ordre et Maïs
Drakkar Gestapo

Number of posts : 370
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Registration date : 2005-09-21

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 1:06

Wasn't it Noctis ?

just looked at metal archives, and it's Sadneth, who was on some boards...
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Number of posts : 640
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Registration date : 2005-04-27

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 1:09

my mistake
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Haunting Chant

Number of posts : 204
Localisation : France
Points : 7106
Registration date : 2005-05-02

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 1:47

vorka666 wrote:
FUNEBRES NUPTIAE and MALDOROR, two bands from south east of France

The guy was doing SA MEUTE lately, but I guess the whole thing has disbanded by now.

GORGON might be something you'd like to check, if you're interested in NECROMANTIC.
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Ordre et Maïs
Drakkar Gestapo

Number of posts : 370
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Registration date : 2005-09-21

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 12:06

Sa Meute = Maldoror ?

the 50 contre 1 les paris sont ouverts album is a bit difficult to get in, but has great moments. The voice is the main barrier I think.

A split with Gorgon is planned, if I'm correct this morning, hardly awake, along with OTAL.
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Mr Nuke
Rang: Administrateur
Mr Nuke

Number of posts : 797
Age : 47
Localisation : South-Eastern France
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Registration date : 2005-04-27

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 15:31

Wasn't the previous band of the SA MEUTE guy called MIRCALLA ?

Both albums from SA MEUTE were great IMO, and I do agree that the voice may rebuke some, even if personnaly I had no problems with it.

Well, GORGON's EP and first album were great. After these they became more and more average, yet not bad at all too.
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Drakkar Gestapo

Number of posts : 340
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Registration date : 2008-05-29

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 15:48

Guys, when i was a little boy, i met some guy on the internet who also had a black metal band, but all his releases were only available as free downloads.

He sang about suicide and these themes and i think i can remember a machine gun on a backcover or cover.

Does anyone know the band i am talking about? I can´t remember it´s name.

If i am not totally wrong his gf was also in the band.
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Number of posts : 640
Points : 7267
Registration date : 2005-04-27

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 16:08

pagan assault?
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Drakkar Gestapo

Number of posts : 340
Points : 6158
Registration date : 2008-05-29

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 21 Feb - 19:55

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iormungand t.
iormungand t.

Number of posts : 223
Localisation : france
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Registration date : 2005-11-10

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySun 22 Feb - 15:38

Ordre et Maïs wrote:
Sa Meute = Maldoror ?

the 50 contre 1 les paris sont ouverts album is a bit difficult to get in, but has great moments. The voice is the main barrier I think.

A split with Gorgon is planned, if I'm correct this morning, hardly awake, along with OTAL.

Yes OTAL/GORGON split is/was planned two years ago I think. OTAL material on it is very good (if you can take some faulty drum machine though), Gorgon part is pure gorgon, leave or take. I don't know why the fuck it's not out already (I got it two years ago haha, funny), I'm not even sure it will be released one day.
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Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySun 22 Feb - 23:42

vorka666 wrote:
I also remember OSCULUM INFAME and MALEFICUM ORGIA and NEKROMANTIK, great bands from France !
NECROMANTIC still active, some gigs a planned in south of France
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Nuclear Holocausto
Drakkar Gestapo
Nuclear Holocausto

Number of posts : 331
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Registration date : 2005-08-03

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptyMon 23 Feb - 4:00

The VLAD demos were good.
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Number of posts : 7
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Registration date : 2009-02-19

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptyMon 23 Feb - 10:50

Thanks for the info. I know Chris of GORGON, we used to write each other and trade Venom stuff since he was a huge fan of the band. I also bought his first GORGON demo tape in 1992. He was also distributing Holocaust zine (Poland) one of the best zines around.
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Number of posts : 721
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Registration date : 2007-01-22

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptyThu 26 Feb - 20:39

vorka666 wrote:
Also MACHIAVEL I found. Never heard ov them ?

Pozdrav iz Srbije


this band?
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Number of posts : 7
Points : 5707
Registration date : 2009-02-19

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptyThu 26 Feb - 21:09

Yes, it's them, thank you ! I thought they were dead. I mean, they called it quits !
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Number of posts : 11
Localisation : Picardie
Points : 5679
Registration date : 2009-03-28

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 28 Mar - 13:58

Haine Noire I guess
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Drakkar Gestapo

Number of posts : 340
Points : 6158
Registration date : 2008-05-29

Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France EmptySat 28 Mar - 15:13

Yes, it was them. Many thanks!!!!
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Old BM bands from France Empty
PostSubject: Re: Old BM bands from France   Old BM bands from France Empty

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Old BM bands from France
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