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 exotic bands

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Number of posts : 1
Points : 6133
Registration date : 2007-12-19

exotic bands Empty
PostSubject: exotic bands   exotic bands EmptyWed 19 Dec - 20:49

my personal favorites are goatsmen (per) and anal vomit, abhorer(sgn) and parabellum(col) are worth a listen as well
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exotic bands Empty
PostSubject: Re: exotic bands   exotic bands EmptySat 9 Feb - 20:57

The history of Metal in Latin America and Asia is as huge as in Europe so there are LOTS of bands to be aware of! But I hate this word "exotic", it became overused and it sounds as if "exotic" bands are a bunch of monkeys trying to copy European bands, which is very far from being the case!

Though you have good tastes for sure hehe... I guess you should also like the old Brazilian scene with SARCOFAGO, GENOCIDIO, HOLOCAUSTO, NECROFAGO, MUTILATOR, MX, etc...
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